Thursday, August 17, 2006

Gas Has Got To Go

Imagine roads with shuttle stops and shelters telling you when the next zero emission vehicle will stop and pick you up and, it will never be more than ten minutes away. The buses we now have running are gas guzzling polluters and way too big. We need to improve our mass transportation so that it is convenient and affordable if not free for people to use. The more people use the system the cleaner our air will be. The shuttle system I propose would replace the current Mad River system, which is ridiculously outdated.

There would be as many routes as it takes with shuttles running all of the time to pick up people within five to ten minutes, for real. People can get online to find out when the shuttle will be at their location. Or, you can call the shuttle by email, text messaging, telephone or simply flag it down taxi style when it comes by. At the designated stops you'll be able view a screen telling you where the shuttle is and how long it will be until it arrives.

No one living in the city who needs to get to another part of the city will prefer to use a car over the new shuttle system. There are times of course when people will need a car. During those times Arcatans can take advantage of the City Car Share program and borrow a zero emission car or truck. (See separate post)

We also need a biking and walking path to Eureka. I will support the work in progress to get the bike path completed. It is crazy to see people riding their bikes on 101. We have the space to put in a bike and walk path from the Plaza to Old Town. What are we waiting for?

We also need to reestablish the railway line, at least between Arcata and Eureka. The right-of-ways are already established.


Blogger Eric V. Kirk said...

The problem is that the rail line is the proposed bike path. You may have to choose, unless you're going to condemn some farmland and send the bike path through the Eureka Airport.

10:25 AM  
Blogger Jeffrey Schwartz, Arcata said...

You are right. It is tricky. I talked to a Bay Commissioner, I forgot his name, at the Bay Keeper birthday bash last week. He says the same thing.

For the time being the path should go on the rail until the rail is up and running. That does not seem to have a lot of traction because people in power say if we put a trail on the track then it'll delay the track or we'll spend money for a temporary trail.

This is one of those issues where you have to deal not only with Eureka, but with the county and about four other entities, which is daunting.

Maybe Murphy Field is the way to go.

12:19 AM  

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